Types of Injectables
Explore our filler services and find the one thats right for you!
BotoxLearn More
Botox® is considered a neuromodulator used to soften or reduce the appearance of moderate to severe lines and wrinkles.
XeominLearn More
Xeomin® (incobotulinum toxin) is a prescription medicine which is used to soften or reduce the appearance of moderate to severe lines and wrinkles.
DysportLearn More
Dysport® is considered a neuromodulator and it works by blocking nerve signals to the muscles on which the Dysport® attaches.
JuvedermLearn More
This filler smooths away wrinkles and lines around the mouth and nose, corrects volume loss, and lifts facial contours for a youthful appearance.
RestylaneLearn More
Restylane® is a hyaluronic acid (HA) based injectable gel filler used in areas where collagen and HA have been lost over time.
TeoxaneLearn More
Teoxane dermal fillers consist of gel densities and rheological properties that are designed to treat different areas of the face for aesthetic results.
KybellaLearn More
KYBELLA™ injections are a non-surgical treatment for submental fullness or fat known as the “double chin”.
BeloteroLearn More
Belotero Balance Dermal Filler is injected into the skin in a simple, quick procedure that can even be done using a fine gauge needle over your lunch hour.
Before and After Fillers






What areas can be treated?
- Laugh/smile lines (nose to mouth folds and furrows)
- Marionette lines
- Lipstick or “barcode” lines
- Corners of the mouth
- Many other areas such as forehead or frown lines
- For selected areas to restore volume or re-contour the cheeks, tear troughs, nose or jawline.
How long does it last?
It depends on the product(s) used and other factors such as if you choose partial or full correction, but for hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvéderm and Restylane typically range from 9 months up to a year or more. Lips may be a shorter time and Juvéderm Voluma may last 18 month or even longer.
What should patients do before treatment?
The treatment area (your face) should be cleaned before injection.
Do injections hurt?
Individuals’ pain tolerances can vary widely. In general, the lips are the most sensitive treatment area. We offer additional topical numbing to help minimize discomfort during your procedure, and many fillers now come pre-mixed with numbing agents that will help alleviate discomfort during and after your treatment. We advise in most cases against injection of separate local anesthetics as this may alter your facial contour and this is suboptimal for the artistic component.
How much do treatments cost?
Your treatment will be customized to your needs so the costs will vary. We will give you a fee estimate before your treatment. There are also several plans to help reduce your cost:
- Allē Rewards: Interested in saving on Botox® Cosmetic, J
uvéderm®, Latisse® or Vivite®? You may register at www.BotoxCosmetic.com for the Allergan Allē Rewards Program where you’ll get exclusive invitations, special offers, and great savings on treatments.
- Specials
- Our in-house VIP program gives additional discounts and other benefits on your next 3 treatments above and beyond any other applicable discounts (limit 1 year). Simply speak with one of our patient care coordinators or one of our nurses to learn more!
I got my filler injected somewhere else and it didn’t turn out well. Can I undo this?
We are happy to consult with you on your personal needs. There are some techniques that can be used to help restore your original appearance in some cases-especially with the hyaluronic acid fillers.
Visit McDaniel Laser & Cosmetic Center
Our team provides thoughtful, expert care for all your general and cosmetic dermatological needs. We are proud to offer the most advanced aesthetic services in the Virginia Beach area. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment! Your best skin awaits.